\r\n 海外及港澳台提示(此提示放在海外及港澳台人员实名认证入口处):\r\n
\r\n 海外及港澳台人员进场须知\r\n
\r\n 尊敬的CDS参展人员您好\r\n
\r\n 由于疫情影响,响应当地政府的疫情防控要求,请您入场前线上完成个人信息的填写,入场时请携带护照/港澳台通行证原件。\r\n
\r\n 您的信息只用于参观入场认证使用,感谢您的配合,祝您参展顺利!\r\n
\r\n CDS主办方\r\n
\r\n Notice to visitors from overseas and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan\r\n
\r\n Dear CDS visitors,\r\n
\r\n Given the anti-pandemic actions stipulated by the local Government, please fill in your identity information online before entry and bring the original copy of your passport/ exit-entry permit for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan with you while entering.\r\n
\r\n Your identity information is only used for authentication at the entry. Thanks for your cooperation and wish you a pleasant visit!\r\n
\r\n CDS Organizing Committee\r\n\r\n